Thursday, May 6, 2010

Almost There

What a week. It was going by so slow and now it's going by so fast!

We went out looking for sponsors this week, and we're done with the downtown area minus restaurants. That's great progress. We have a lot of interested people, and some places are thinking of loaning costumes! So we took the morning off today, because we needed a morning to sleep in.

We had a paper for Keely and Du and a quiz in Theatre History II on Monday. And Wednesday we had a quiz over The Clean House. I was excited to read that because it's in our main stage season for next year. It's a really good play and I'm excited to see how they put it together in the Warehouse space, since it's so much smaller. One main stage show a year is put on in the Warehouse, and next year The Clean House is that show. We're having our exam on Friday, covering all the plays we've read this side of Mid-Terms.

Tuesday I had Acting IV, and we did a dress rehearsal for our A Taste of Honey scene. It went really well. Chrisena and I received some small notes about keeping up the pace and our dialect. This is a lower class dialect, but not quite cockney, so we haven't covered it in class. Apparently, we were doing it too naturally. So we need to pull it back, and make it more stage appropriate. We reblocked some of the scene to give the characters a closer relationship. I'm really excited to perform today; I think it's going to go great. Every one's scenes sound really interesting and I can't wait to watch them.

We had the last Warehouse Company meeting last night. The Old Board handed out some awards for accomplishments during the season. Kaitie and I received the Dynamic Duo award, for attending every event together. It's so true! We were beginning to wonder if anyone else noticed how attached at the hip we are. Our schedules are the same, and we're room mates so there's really no escaping it. Betsy (the Chairwoman) made a joke saying we even had them change the time of the Field Day so we could show up together. We feel very honored.

The rest of the awards were for senior board members. All in all, the accomplishments that the board has made this year are amazing. They've come so far from last year and done so much more. I can only hope that our board stays that active next year. I think we're off to a really great start.

Last night was also the last Open Mic Night of the year. This means people can sign up to perform something of their own choosing. So a lot of seniors signed up and it was really fun to watch. Three seniors did Zac Efron's dance in High School Musical 2 "Bet on it"--hilarious. Then a bunch of the senior girls did a song acapella. We had a reading of poetry, a couple amazing spoken words, 3 songs, and a couple speeches. It turned into another sort of going away party, and I had a lot of fun. Everyone did a great job. I love Open Mic Nights because that's when so many of the students get to showcase their true talents. It's not about an audition or class work, it's about what people feel and what they want to share. And that's what I think art is.

I started packing up my room last night. I'm onto about 5 boxes...and nowhere near done. How do I have so much stuff?! I really need to leave some of it at home. And a lot of it is going to stay in my storage unit all summer and I won't have to worry about a thing! Great!

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