Thursday, February 25, 2010

Elizabeth Farley Hair

It's so hard to curl my hair. Pin curling for the first time definitely didn't work. I tried that on Sunday night and I looked like Medusa when I woke up. Not pretty. Here's the latest effort with rollers that I slept in. Yes! I think it's success! We'll see what my costume designer and director think today! This is the curliest my hair has ever been by far...I think it needs to fall a little actually to look good.


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I love you, I'm following your blog, and could you please be my personal poodle?

  2. You are totally the 50th person to tell me I look like poodle with my hair this way today! Too bad I was trying to look like a restoration actress. But ThankS for following my blog!!!I was really excited to see that you were, and of course I'd be your personal poodle, I just don't fetch. Ever.
