Tuesday, May 22, 2012

All Harnessed Up!

Last night I met the full company for Greenstage's 2012 Shakespeare in the Park. Henry VIII and Shrew all got together. We introduced ourselves, learned names and roles, and then spoke towards how this season will run. We'll be travelling to many different parks, performing in all kinds of weather, and will generally be having a smashing time. We'll open with an Outdoor Theatre Festival in which 7 different companies perform their outdoor works, and the season continues from there.

I'm incredibly excited (even more so now) to be a part of this company for a small amount of time. This will be the 24th season, and they only have two more shows left to perform before they complete the cannon. I'll be working with some amazingly talented members of Seattle's theatre community, and I know that I'm going to have fantastic stories to tell.  I had my measurements taken, saw one of our numerous performance spaces, and then went out with the casts afterwards. I really can't wait to show you pictures of my costumes. They sound like they might be as epic as I imagine them to be. Specifically the butterfly that will somehow be perpetually hanging above my head.

Today I had the opportunity to meet with the crew of my upcoming film. Let me tell you, I felt like a real professional today. I walked into our studio (yes, STUDIO--give me a moment) to see our set already coming together. The director walked me through the different scenes we'd be shooting, and which parts I'll be harnessed for. I can't WAIT to do the stunts in this film! I met my stunt coordinator and we talked about practice times for some of the movement scenes. I'll be scaling a wall and jumping an 8 foot gap between rooftops! I even get to do some slow motion mid air reactions. I met the PA to be assigned to the actors, and stood beside my 6'8" robot counterpart. He's just so tall. It will be nice to have someone to work off of in a green suit, instead of staring at pieces of tape on the wall.

I have a five day shoot, with one night shoot scheduled from 9pm-Midnight. I believe I even have a scheduled shoot in the rain. I can't wait to be a part of this process.

And of course I start rehearsals for Shrew the last two days of filming--Overlapping Excitement Abounds.

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