Sunday, December 15, 2013

My first SAG film recap

My first SAG film began with an audition last August. I walked in to read for a role with one line, and ended up being asked to read for a role with more! Auditions can't go much better than that, so I walked out feeling positive. After not hearing for a little while though, I moved my mind forward to thoughts of the next audition, working hard not to focus on a job I didn't get.

A few weeks afterwards I received the call from my agent that I had booked a supporting role! I was stoked! We had a cast read through 2 months later, and a month after that we began rehearsals. We had blocking and stunt work rehearsals for 2 weekends, and it was my first time ever being paid for film rehearsals. I have to say SAG was looking good already.

We shot in late November. 3 days on location and 2 days on set in a studio. The location was a few hours away at an old fort. The production crew built an incredible set with a smithy, a graveyard, and a town square set to hang our favorite town witch. I had the best time meeting so many new important faces from the Pacific Northwest acting community. It was exciting to learn first hand about SAG regulations, and it was such a pleasant experience to be on a well-scheduled set with extremely high morale. I can't say I've ever had a better time!

The weather was really cold, and the first day it rained buckets off and on. It looked great on film! Our costumes were superb, and we were layered so well that I barely got cold! They made sure to have hand warmers and heaters on set outside to give actors and crew some relief during shoot breaks.

My scenes went smoothly and I really enjoyed trying new things. I won't give any spoilers, but I can say I'm excited for the release. We're crossing our fingers that the film is accepted into a local festival--and then beyond!

Already I can't wait for the opportunity to audition again for this director and his crew. There was a lot of freedom to try things, and be creative. Everyone was concerned about taking care of each other and making sure everyone had the best possible experience. It was a breath of fresh air after not working for a little while, and helped me feel like I was putting my best foot forward.

All in all I can only hope to have another experience as fun as this last one!

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