I had a great Birthday! I'm officially 20 years old.
Global Village tutorial was an interesting discussion about how to solve the problem of AIDs in Africa.
Theatre History: We took a quiz on Fences, which was easy. Everyone in the class sang me Happy Birthday, which was very sweet. We had a great discussion about Fences and August Wilson. He really is an important voice in theatre. I really enjoyed the play and found all the characters dynamic and sympathetic (though not everyone did).
I didn't have work today because the children's school had the day off. Awesome! But sad too; the kids always brighten my day.
I had a quick rehearsal of my auditions songs with Voice Professor C. I'm singing Somebody from Celebration, and Stop and See Me from Weird Romance.
We had a meeting tonight about our auditions tomorrow and our summer theatre in general. We were given a bunch of information pertaining to what's expected of us as a professional company and how the summer is going to work logistically. They talked us through tomorrow. We have headshots at 9:15, warm up at 9:45, musical auditions start at 10 AM. They go until 1. Starting at 1:30 we'll have the cold reads for all the shows. That should probably take a couple hours and whenever we all finish (we'll just be going in and out of rooms, not waiting to be called necessarily as I understand it) we're free to go. They promised us the cast list would be up by Wednesday, which is a lot earlier than I expected it.
I just spent the night with Kaitie, Katie Mac, and Gillian going over the plays and reading excerpts out loud just to make sure we had some semblance of characters and relationships. I always find it so interesting how different it is to read with different people because different people give you different emotions to work off of. It was a useful night, for sure. We also practiced our songs several times, which is mostly what everyone is worried about. By now, cold readings (which is what our auditions for the straight plays are tomorrow) are our favorite things to do. They're easier than monologues, and you get to dive right into the script. The musical auditions I've definitely had to prepare myself for mentally. I'm a beginning singer and I find it daunting, but I know when I'm done with the day that I'll be proud I sang instead of backing out.
It was one crazy Birthday, and one crazy day in general. I'm really stoked for tomorrow, and a little nervous. But if I wasn't nervous, there would be no excitement in this job!
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