Monday, August 26, 2013

My summer of 2013

I know I've been absent. Frankly I've wrapped my arms so tightly around too many projects this summer that my hands have not been free to write. I've just returned from a lovely vacation in Florida that afforded me some much needed perspective, and I think that was the key I was missing.

I've been shooting a lot recently for my webseries House of Glass. Here are some pics:

That's been a crazy process of scheduling, and trying to film in the rain with the wrong sound equipment, and long drives to location shots, and A LOT of bruises from legitimate sparing and hand to hand combat. But it's been fun! And I'm excited to see the footage. I'm not wrapped on filming yet until mid October, but hopefully this will be edited and released for the public at the beginning of the new year!

I've started rehearsals for the Seattle Fringe Festival. I'm doing a new play called Operation Hibernation which is an in depth look at the lengths people will go to believe what they want. I'm incredibly excited to be a part of the Fringe Festival for the 2nd annual year of its comeback! Here's our postcard and poster:

It's going to be a wild ride. 

I'm really starting to feel like the work I'm doing matters again. I was working my way up for so long, and now the roles I'm being offered are finally starting to feel good again. After the Fringe Fest I'll be doing two Noel Coward one act's in British dialect, which I couldn't be more excited about. And then I'll finally be joining the Book-It Theatre in Frankenstein!

I've also recently booked my first SAG film through my agent, and I'll be getting my time period clothes on since it's about the Salem Witch Trials.

I've spent this summer relaxing in the sun, reading books, and seeing as much theatre as I can around my crazy schedule.

Some shows I've seen:
1. The Wild Party by Sound Theatre
2. A Keiko Green original that I can't remember the name of
3. Gruesome Playground Injuries by Azeotrope
4. Gloucester Blues by Harlequinn
5. A Midsummer Night's Dream by Greenstage
6. Picnic by ReAct Theatre

And now the marathon starts. I'm booked until mid March, and you can stay tuned for all the adventures that are sure to unfold!

Until next time: Some food for thought for the women of the theatre:

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