When I'm investing myself in things that I love i.e. theatre, I find so much more passion in my jobs. I teach better, I learn better, I love better. I find it difficult to not be working on something I love doing, because I'm so used to being able to do it all the time.
I'm about to take a break from running around like crazy, and I'm really hoping I last more than a week without my frustration coming out. This last month I've been preparing myself for the sudden downslide I'll have when my next two projects end. I'll be going home for Christmas, and because of this I can't take anymore projects right now because I would miss rehearsals or performances.

I can use this time to submit myself for future projects, really sharpen my technique in classes, research grad schools, write like I used to, and find new creative avenues to express myself in. I can find time to read, to bake and cook, to travel, and to go see theatre.
If there's one thing I want to do better this year than I did last year, it's the amount of theatre I attend. It's so important as an artist to not only keep up with the work around you, but to appreciate it and learn from it. Theatre artists do theatre for a multitude of different reasons, but I think it's easy to forget that as a theatre artist, it is important for us to be given the same things we want to give to others who see our work.
I watched a movie last night for the first time in over three months. How ridiculous is that? When I think about it, I've probably watched less than ten movies since moving to Seattle. I pack my schedule so full that I only make time for certain things. Normally these things are all things I want to do and love to do. But doing the same things over and over does not make you a well rounded individual. It doesn't stimulate you or push you.
I plan on pushing myself harder in these next two months than I have previously--but in different ways. I'm going to focus on me.
I've spent the last couple months in rehearsals with a lot of different artists and the thing that separates me from most of them is the amount of time I spend on myself. I spend a lot of time on my career and theatre and acting, but not a lot of time on other things I used to like. Such as writing, designing, biking, reading, running, having a life.
These last couple months I've had more of a life than I have in the past year and it's felt so good. I can't wait to do more of it. I think taking a break is going to be really good for me. Maybe I'll learn something new..
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