Tuesday, March 16, 2010

People assume strength when they see confidence

Just a quote I found today that pertains to a lesson I learned in Acting. I had my first lesson with Acting Professor R today, now that we've switched into drawing room comedy. He told my class that every time you come on stage you need to command it. You should walk on feeling like you know that every one's attention should be on you--because you have something to say. Which, when I think about it, is common sense, but sometimes you need to hear things you already know for them to actually sink in.

We reviewed our British Dialect because we'll be performing British scenes for this acting class. I have two monologues to memorize for Thursday's class(one from The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and the other from The Public Eye), and two Oscar Wilde plays to read for next Tuesday (said with a liquid U, Like Tyusday). I need to read The Importance of Being Earnest (which I've already read for Theatre History II this semester, but I loved it so I'll read it again) and Lady Windemere's Fan. I'm an Oscar Wilde fan and I'm excited to have an excuse to read his work. My British Dialect isn't as rusty as it would have been, because I had Playhouse Creatures to review it with. However, it's not (nor will it ever be) completely natural, so I practiced after class by reading my Global Village research out loud in a British accent. Fun stuff.

I finished reading Waiting for Godot for Theatre History, which I have a quiz on tomorrow. I loved the play. I had to read The Bald Soprano last week. They're both absurdist pieces, though I would say Godot is more existential. I loved them both, and I love that I loved them both. I was really hoping I'd like absurdist theatre, because it's so unique and creative and out of the box. I've even settled on an absurdist play for my Directing II scene: Ashes to Ashes by Pinter. And if I can't find a male to act in it, then I'll be doing The Chairs by Ionesco. I'm a new recruit for Theatre of the Weird.

My Theatre History Exam went well last class, though there were no questions on Symbolism, and I got a little mixed up on Expressionism. I did remember Existentialism though. We covered a lot of isms in this section.

My parents will be coming in tomorrow to visit me for the week! I had a small freak out (and by small I mean big) when I realized they were coming this week and not next week. However, they're going to get to see Playing for Time opening night, which will be amazing. And they'll even get to meet the kids at the Pre-School I work for. I've been rushing to get all of my homework done so I can spend time with them while they're up here.

I still have my Point Form Outline for Global Village to finish. I better get on that!

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