I was personally invited on an exciting audition for my birthday in the San Juan Islands that I was able to accept because I had the day off work. I received the sides two days in advance, prepared myself and then made the trek up. I met with a wonderful British couple who own this theatre company that I've been dying to work with. I had a really fun audition reading for Puck in Midsummer. I was lucky enough to be offered the role the next day, and I had to do some hard thinking since I was already cast for the summer in Taming of the Shrew. In the end I stuck with Shrew because I had worked so hard for the role, and it's a better career move for me to stay in the city my first summer.

In the next couple weeks I met with my Shrew cast a couple times to get to know everyone and talk about the direction of the play. I'm really excited to work with this group and I'm definitely going to learn so much. I'm the only person in the cast who has never performed Shakespeare or even seen Shrew. We did get together to watch a really interesting version of it though, which was helpful.
Acting Coach has moved me from A Doll's House to Tartuffe and now onto Othello. He tells me we can do a couple monologues from Shrew to help me out, and I'm really excited to be doing some one on one Shakespeare work before I start rehearsals. Acting Coach is really good at Shakespeare. I had a lot of fun working on Ibsen and Moliere respectively these last couple weeks. I learned how to scan verse which I had never been taught before. It's SO useful. Scanning is a technique used with Iambic Pentameter (10 syllables to a line) to show an actor which syllables in each line are stressed and which are unstressed. Without this technique, a lot of older works written in verse can be interpreted in a way they were not originally intended.
Now that I've learned how to do this it makes Shakespeare so much easier to understand from a technical stand point.
I've been offered the lead in a small movie short that's being filmed locally. It's the same script I was doing test shots for months ago. It turns out that the director liked my work so much that he asked me to accept the part sans audition. I'm really excited because I've been dying to get more involved in the film scene. I want to start building a professional reel that I can use to land more roles. In this film I'll get to work with a green screen and do some stunt work. It's definitely my kind of movie. I'll be helping my wardrobe designer shop for my costumes next week, and we'll start principal photography at the end of May. It's a five day shoot unless they need some extra work, so it will go pretty quick. I get to work in one of Seattle's premier film studios, and with a professional crew. I'll have a PA assigned to me for in between takes. I feel like a pro even though this movie is going to be 20 minutes long tops. I even have stunt rehearsals! Whoot!
Other than that, I auditioned yesterday for a new work play festival based on the events of the Trayvon, Martin shooting. I was cast and I'm excited to work with new artists on something so meaningful. All of the proceeds are to go to his family. Theatre for a cause is a powerful thing.
My rehearsals for Shrew start at the end of May. Katie is leaving next weekend for Boji. It's crazy how time flies these days. I've been working a lot, taking more time to spend with my dog, and trying to appreciate things as they come. I bought a bike to commute to work this summer, which I'm so excited to do. And I've been taking more time to really focus on me and get my head on straight. It feels really good these days.
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